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My very first appointment for Neuroptimal Neurofeedback training is tomorrow!

I plan to tell the practitioner that about this blog to see if she has anything to say or maybe more info to contribute. I also plan to have a full report for you after it’s over!

I’m looking forward to giving this a shot. I hope it will benefit my brain the in ways I think it can or at least in some of the ways I need it to.

It’s been hard to be patient and not try too many other things at once. I have so many ideas of things to try from the ‘normal’ smart drugs to more strange things like looking at the effect of jaw alignment on cognitive function. I’m going to do my best to restrain myself to as few experiments at once as I can. That way they won’t confound each other too much.

That being said, in biology, I think there is often something to be said for synergistic effects of various things. I know that scientists like to reduce things down and isolate only one chemical or mechanism, but biology isn’t that binary. Biology is extremely complex.

I don’t plan to be super reductionist in my self-experiments like they are in clinical trials. Rather, I plan to be additive for the most part. In some ways because is necessary, like with neurofeedback – you can’t really un-NFB yourself, and also just because I want the maximum effect on my brain.

Wish me luck!