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Over the past few years I’ve taken a greater interest in my health.  In doing so I have done quite a bit of self experimentation with my diet.

Some of these experiments made me feel better while others made me worse.

In fact, a couple of years ago my memory started to get worse. At first it was just things like opening the refrigerator and forgetting what I was looking for. But over time it got worse.

I would tell people and most people brushed it off saying, “That’s normal, don’t worry about it!”

I knew there was something more to it.

Soon it had moved from forgetting small things like where I put my keys to forgetting words mid-sentence. There were times when I was unable to finish a sentence. I knew what I wanted to say, conceptually, but I couldn’t find the words.

I was in my late 20s and early 30s and it seemed I was already suffering from cognitive decline.

This was very concerning.

I used to have a very, very good memory.

This motivated me to do lots of research on my own and to go see a slew of doctors culminating in the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. I’ll spare you the details for now, but basically none of the doctors really helped my memory.

I eventually made some changes to my diet and things began to improve. I’m pretty sure I know what was causing it, but not 100%. Maybe I’ll talk more about that in future posts.

I tell you all of this because while learning about diet years ago and while more recently researching about my memory I came upon the idea of ‘upgrading’ my brain.

I learned that there are a lot of ways to improve the performance of your brain. You can take nootropics, brain enhancing supplements. You can take smart drugs, brain enhancing pharmaceuticals. You can ‘train’ your brain with neurofeedback or dual N-back training. You can do counseling or EMDR therapy. You can take anti-depressants. You can take hallucinogenic drubs. The list goes on…

There is copious research out there on how various chemicals and activities affect mental performance.

The more I looked into this and learned, the more I realized that memory wasn’t my only problem. Things like maintaining focus, completing tasks, mood issues and more all had been there my whole life. So it dawned on me…

What if I could improve my brain in all of those areas and maybe in areas that I hadn’t even thought of yet?

What if I could not just get back to where I was but go beyond?

What if I could have an extraordinary brain?

I put that together with the fact that I have a background in websites and internet business and…

Thus this website was born.

Here I will chronicle my journey to boost, protect, grow, enhance and improve my brain, cognition and general mental abilities. I will do my best to be very transparent about what works for me in the hopes that it will help you as well. Full disclosure, I will also include things like affiliate links or advertising as I look at this endeavor as a business not just a hobby.

Thank you for coming along for the ride. I think you’ll enjoy it.